
The Cards Trust 400 Club

10:06am, Sun 23rd Jun 2019
The second quarter draw for the 400 Club will take place in the Cardinals' Bar after the friendly match against Oxford United on Saturday July 13th.

The ’400 Club’ is limited to 400 members including family, friends and neighbours of the Woking Football Club family. You can support the Cards Trust by subscribing to the ‘400 Club’ and automatically be entered into the Draws. The annual subscription is £12.00 per Unit (just £1 per month) payable by Bankers Order, cheque or online.

Prize structure


1 prize of £100

1 prize of £75

1 prize of £50

And just in time for Christmas!

1 prize of £500

A total of £1,400 can be won in prize money each year!

REMEMBER, Membership is limited to 400 but you can have up to 5 units. Forms can be downloaded or collected from the shop.

The money we raise is there to support Dowse and his team.

Come on you Cards!
John Hooker
Cards Trust 400 Club

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Woking Football Club Limited
A company incorporated in England and Wales (company number: ‍03329172)
Registered office The Laithwaite Community Stadium, Kingfield, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9AA

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