Ryan Dent
11:09pm, Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Book up now to get a place on the Woking Football In The Community October Half Term Soccer School!
The course will run from the 28th, 29th, 30th October and offer a combination of coaching and games at Loop Road playing fields, Woking.
The cost for the Soccer Schools is £30.00 for three days or £15.00 for one day.
If booked before Wednesday 23rd October, the cost for the Soccer School will be £25.00 for three days and £12.50 for one day.
Each day runs from 10am to 3pm with FA Qualified and CRB checked coaches running the camp for youngsters aged between five and fourteen.
What you need to bring!
- Football Boots/Trainers
- Suitable of clothing for the conditions i.e. warm clothes
- Waterproofs
- Towel
- Packed Lunch
- Plenty of Water
- Shin pads
- A hat if sunny and hot
Download the form here for full terms and conditions.
Call the Community Team on 01483 772470 for further information.